Knife Crime Prevention & Victim Support.
Heartspoken was founded by longstanding knife crime prevention advocate – Sarah Lloyd. Since 2013 Sarah has campaigned alongside several regional bodies for the prevention of knife related incidents & victim support across the UK.
Figures from West Yorkshire Police: Operation Jemlock. Since 2019.
Tracy Brabin - Mayor of WY
“What’s important to me, as the Mayor of West Yorkshire, is that early prevention. That upstream work to make sure that young people don’t feel they have to carry a knife.”
How Heartspoken has made a difference.
Delivery of Workshops and Talks
Providing knife crime reduction workshops and talks on the effects of knife crime and it's impacts - from lived experience. Tailored to audiences from schools students to young offenders.
Community Support and Engagement
Working with groups across Leeds and the wider region, supporting anti-knife crime initiatives and raising awareness.
Further Resource Development
Heartspoken has developed and published additional resources to support current actions - and to more effectively reach young people at risk of knife crime.